viernes, 20 de abril de 2018

Video of Quinario

This video we want explain how woman was affected by a men. In this case Paula only wants a good love but men only thing that woman is a object or toys.

martes, 3 de abril de 2018



Why my invencion is important?

Recicled things is the future. Many problems that we have in the space and how to put two or three things in the same place but this is not an adult problem it is more for students. All day one student use books, notebooks and in their houses some things is in the wrong place, the humanity create tables and libraries to put it good but in 2018 the wood is difucult to find and we have to make recibed things because we haven't all the materials today. If you recibed you never need a lot of money, be the future and make a future for you child.

This idea replace the normal shelfs"bookshelves and bookshellers or bookcases are indispensable for everyone who has "( Guadalupe,2017) we usr cardboard to make our shelf hard for the books that the people can put in and it can paste by nails or some glue that helps the planet because all of this invencion will be recicled by us.

. Metro.(2013),Garbage and recycling library sholf.Metro. Obtained from:
.      Etsy,(2018).guitars shelfs,etsy, obtiened from: shelf-72-recycled-acustic-guitars.